Time Management
Time Management
"Time management" is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter, not harder, so that you get more done in less time, even when time is tight, and pressures are high.
I choose this topic because I notice that people are usually unsure how to add meal preparation to their busy schedules. I have been preparing family meals for many years now (Lucky me, lol), and looking back at the beginning, it took me a few hours to think about the menu and do the groceries. However, now I know many ways to make it simpler.
I will guide you through how I make meal preparation and add some tips for you.
1. Choose the meals you would like to cook for the week. I recommend having a menu for the week (making 3-4 menus and rotating between them). I create the menus with my kids every month, and they love to be a part of it. It makes everything super simple for everyone.
2. Cook in bulk and freeze! We cook and freeze so many things like meatballs, chicken breast sliced and measured by meals, individual quiches, cut veggies and keep them in bags for a quick soup.
3. Choose a few snacks for the week, such as veggies, fruit, chia puddings, yogurts, and do all the cutting and chopping together. Then divide it into portions.
In our house, the refrigerator's middle shelves are for the family snacks. That way, the younger kids can reach out quickly.
4. Make a grocery list. You can do the groceries by yourself or use an online service. This time can be used to make your healthy meals.
5. Choose one day a week to prepare your food and schedule house cleaning for the next day. And if not, it is much easier to clean the kitchen once a week than every night after cooking.
6. The process takes me 2-3 hours, and I make most of the meals for the week for 5 people. During the week, I usually cut fruit and veggies as needed.
7. Make a box or basket in the refrigerator with "on the go" snacks. It can be mini carrots in a bag, individual hummus, little apples, ready-boiled eggs, and more. keep it in reach for the little kids :)
8. Make in the pantry or on the counter a basket with dry snacks. It can be almonds in bags (12-24 units recommended), sugar-free Dry fruit, sugar-free granola bars, or protein bars.
That should be a good start.
Then, have fun making your meals fast, eat them slowly and enjoy!