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Live your life to the fullest


Hi, It’s Osh

Thank you for checking out my website.

I am a coach and my focus is helping men and women eat, move, and live better. And I don’t just tell people what to do, I help them through every step of the process.

Plus I am certified by Precision Nutrition©, one of the most respected organizations in my field. 

I am super passionate about healthy food and love the fitness world. This combination helps me live my life to the fullest! Join my program and get the energy to live life to the fullest!

Join me for 30 days of clean eating for weight loss and boost your energy to live life to the fullest

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at



Dikla Yarimi-MeitisSatisfied client

Dikla Yarimi-Meitis

Satisfied client

Vered Laniado - Satisfied client

Vered Laniado - Satisfied client

Everything I learned in the program was done with a great positive energy! I’m always willing to find different food opinions (very helpful for people with food restrictions). Lots of tips on how to plan ahead so you don’t end up munching on things you shouldn’t. I personally did not go for weight loss so I was not worried about weighing and measuring myself but I personally witnessed others in the group lose weight and drop in clothes size! Overall great program

/  Dikla Yamiri-Meitis - Satisfied client  /

Osh, you have an incredible amout of energy, I wish I had half as much 😂. Being part of the program made me realize that I need to do better and eat healthier. Thanks to you, I was able to loose a couple of pounds and to keep them off. Oshrat takes meal prepping to a whole other level. That way you always have good food when hungry. Thank you Oshrat for all the tips and tricks! I really enjoyed your program 🙏🙏🙏

/  VERED Laniado - Satisfied client  /

Lora Parahovnik - Satisfied client

Lora Parahovnik - Satisfied client

Being a part of the program was essential experience for me especially in this high speed lifestyle, Osh encouraged me through all the program and after I have finished it. I know that I can always consult with her, she suggested me a more personalized menu even after the program that I am trying to apply currently with all tremendous and great knowledge that I gained from her. Highly recommend the program for weight loss and healthier lifestyle. Thank you Osh for all your motivation and energy!!!!!!

/  Lora Parahovnik - Satisfied client  /