My 1st Marathon


My 1st Marathon


Last week I ran my first marathon. It was amazing!

I never would have thought I would run my first marathon at 40, and never thought it was possible to train while I have 3 little kids. Everything is possible if we put our attention to it!

I had a 12 weeks training program and I did a few races while training to push myself. Most of my training sessions were at 5am, so I was able to go back home before the kids woke up. My friend, Katy is a running coach, and she helped me a lot with every question I had.

The race was lovely. It was in Ormond Beach, Florida. The view was beautiful, the weather was great, and the volunteers were so amazing. I had in my head a goal to finish the race at around 5 hours. I started the run with the 4:20 pacer group, and met a lady and two men. We helped each other through the race and stayed most of the race together. Francesca went ahead at some point with the 4:10 group.

I felt amazing and felt the runner high until mile 20. At this time I was alone with the 4:20 pacer, Ben, who helped me overcome the fatigue and explained to me how to breathe and run slower to be able to run the last 6 miles.

My friend Sara met me at mile 22. She was wearing white and looked so beautiful. I told her that she is my angel.

In that point I felt so good to see someone I know, so I can complain to her (HA-HA-HA). I even told her I felt like I was going to die!

She was so understanding and tole me she is there for me and I can run in any pace I need. At mile 24 we met Francesca that was exhausted and was walking. I asked her to join us and told her that in 2 miles it is done. Sara support her too and we all run together.

At mile 25 (the last mile!) there was a huge bridge and I felt like I am going to cry! (well, almost)

I walked for 10 seconds, then started to run so fast, Sara told me later I ran it the mile in 6 minutes. I just knew I need to finish the race because I was so tired. I thought about my kids, husband, and friends that were waiting for me at the finish line. I ran the bridge then the down hill, 2 little loops, and I am there, the finish line. My 4 year old boy ran to me, and we ran through the finish line together. I had tears in my eyes. I finished the marathon at 4:15! I was so very happy with that result!

I looked back and waited to see my 4:20 pacers friends. First I saw Francesca, after that it was Ben and his friend. We all hugged and felt like we know each other so good. Runners are so very amazing!

We supported each other through all the marathon, and made sure we all finished the race.

I am so thankful for my family. My husband Jonathan was there for me throughout the training and took care of the kids. He supported me and encouraged me to go for it.

I am so thankful for my friends that were there for me while training and at the race. Thank you, Katy, Faye and Sara. Thank you Aleah, Sam, Cody and Caleb for cheering me and waiting for me at the finish line.

I am very thankful for believing in myself!

Thank you



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